Monday, November 21, 2011

Can you get rid of unwanted facial hair by your diet? also give other ways please!?

No, unfortunately diet will not get rid of facial hair. There are many options to get rid of it. You can pluck with tweezers, wax it, use a cream depilatory like nair and some women even shave every day, but I wouldn't recommend that.Can you get rid of unwanted facial hair by your diet? also give other ways please!?
Sally Hansen facial hair removal.Can you get rid of unwanted facial hair by your diet? also give other ways please!?
Facial hair in females could be the result of a hormone imbalance. There are hereditary and genetic factors involved, so if you are embarrassed by this problem, then seek medical advice.

Otherwise if you wish to enhance your estrogen levels there are a number creams applied exogenously (transdermally), which can increase progesterone, such as wild yam.

As to food these would contain phytoestrogens as shown in links below.

Clearly you do not want to use depilatory creams for the rest of your life.
In a word, no.
I believe it is happened to me once i started taking a new type of birth control pill( at least that is when i noticed)....I would check with your physician, but i suggest keeping tweezers witcha and have a an electrologist in your rolodex...8)
If you are on the pill or other high hormonal contraceptives this can cause hair to grow in unwanted places, face, chest...etc.

Finding another form of contraception should help this to stop or reverse the effects. If not, I'm not really sure what you can do... I really don't think your diet would make a difference, maybe if your eating a lot of meat which has been fed hormones...? Try going to a doctor and talking to them about it. Sorry I couldn't be more help.
I had hoped to hear a positive response to this question as I have had this problem for a long time. I spent about $2000 on laser treatments and while I was undergoing the treatment my problem improved greatly but seemed to only improve to a certain point. My dermatologist suggested that maybe this was as good as it would get with removing my unwanted hair so I stopped the treatments. However, a year later, it is as if I never had any laser treatments at all. My problem is as bad as it was before laser treatment. Obviously, laser treatment is not as great as they say and certainly isn't permanent.
Laser therapy is expensive but quick and effective, possibly only works on dark hair. Electrolysis is expensive, takes longer, but effective. Waxing, plucking, and shaving will give you stubble. EW! Not a good thing, and waxing and plucking may damage the follicle, causing ingrown hairs. Also not a good thing.

Save your money and then go zap 'em! Once you're done treatment, you won't have to worry about it again.

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