Monday, November 21, 2011

Can anyone recommend a good facial cleanser ?

My skin is very ..dead? and doesn't have that 'glow' many of my friends do =\

It doesn't have anything to do with my eating habits.

Can anyone recommend a good facial cleanser or any products to help with that ?Can anyone recommend a good facial cleanser ?
Cleanser only will not help for glow skin you have to intake fruits, leafy vegetables and water. Ponds is the best cleanser also you can try Olay total effects to get a new look.Can anyone recommend a good facial cleanser ?
the best skin products for u is nivea

it is cheap and works very well

also here are some great tips for u

# eat lots of fruits and vegetables and no fast food drink lots of water and the food should be rich in minerals and vitamins

# wash your skin about twice a day with a gentle clenser and warm water don't over wash and make shure you get all of the clenser off because if you don't it can clog pores and cause even more pimples

# tone your skin with toner after you wash your face it helps to get off any excess clenser and closes pores

# mostuireise your skin after you wash and tone it makes your skin soft and make shure you choose a moisturiser that won't clog your pores these ususaly come in a gel form

# Resist the temptation to apply too much moisturizer.

# Always wear sun screen, sunglasses and a hat when you go out in the sun.

# Use a gentle exfoliator several times per week or, at most, only once each evening. Exfoliators are another overused beauty product that causes damage in excess. Their purpose is to gently scrub off the debris and carefully remove dead skin. You shouldn't consider exfoliators as sand paper for the skin that needs constant application.

# Treat your skin. Once a week you can give your skin a treat, such as applying a face mask or steaming your skin. But make sure what you treat your skin with suits your skin type, or you might make things worse. Instead of harshly exfoliating for acne, try using tea tree oil-it really works. Dab a small amount of tea tree oil on the spot, or steam your face with it. For oily or sensitive skin, you might want to skip the fancy products and simply apply yogurt to your face. It also helps acne. Yogurt clears the skin and is gentle. This will work for dry skin too. Tougher treatments for the skin include retinol cream, which is a derivative of vitamin A, and glycolic peels. Be careful, though, because these products take a layer off of your skin and applying them too often can cause damage. Wash and moisturize after steaming, exfoliating or applying a face mask. Follow the directions.
i Would Say Use Noxzema Thats A GREAT Cleanser For the Face. Also Wash your Face With Cold Water That Closes The pores And Gives it A Shine
i've been on a quest for past couple of years to find the perfect facial cleanser and i'm LOVING this bar soap by Kiss My Face called Pure Olive Oil Soap. It has only 3 all-natural ingredients and leaves my skin clean, plump, smooth, and not dry. i have really sensitive skin so that's kind of amazing)

but what's going to make skin glow is a proper chemical exfoliant. try something with alpha-hydroxy acid (often listed as glycolic acid), but less than 10% or else it will irritate your skin, in the ingredients list. that stuff dissolves the top layer of dead skin cells and improves collagen and blood flow to the healthy living cells below.

also exercise is good. :)

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