Monday, November 21, 2011

What's your favorite kind of homemade facial?

how do you make it and what does it do?

just curiousWhat's your favorite kind of homemade facial?
My favorite home remedy for a facial is plain milk of magnesia because it's so easy. I apply a thin layer all over my face %26amp; let it dry for 15-20 minutes. Then I rinse it off w/ cool water %26amp; a face cloth. This facial absorbs excess oil %26amp; temporarily tightens my pores.What's your favorite kind of homemade facial?
I have combination skin so on the oily part of my face i use eggwhites ant dry rolled oats and for the dry part i use honey

works like a charm to even out my complection
eggs. only use the white part of the egg ( use a few eggs) and then use a blender to whip up the egg. the egg white should become fluffy and whipped looking. apply to face, it will harden a little, rinse off.
My favourite has got to be the lemon face moisturiser

For tangy cheeks, combine a beaten egg yolk with two teaspoons of fresh lemon juice and whisk. Gradually add half a cup of olive oil until the mixture thickens. If it gets too thick, add more lemon juice. Massage into your face after cleansing. Store the mixture in the fridge for four to five days.
raw egg. now i know ur thinking raw yuch and that's what i thought but it made my face reallllllllly soft. what u do is u get 2 raw eggs, watter 5, and olive oil. then u mix that alll up and put that on your face wate till it is dry and then wash it off.
Papaya facials are wonderful!

You'll need:

1 ripe papaya

1/4 cup plain yogurt

Cut the papaya into pieces and put it in the blender with the yogurt. Blend until it's smooth. Massage it onto your face and leave it for 10 minutes. The enzymes in papaya exfoliate your skin.

1 comment:

Kate said...

These sound wonderful!! May have to invite some friends round for a girly night! I've found some great marine collagen supplements which ive noticed have started to improve my skin

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