Monday, July 26, 2010

How can you do Salon like facial treatment at home?

YOu can use homemade masks to try at home depending on your skin type. Here are some

Moisturizing mask for dry skin:

4 tablespoons clay

2 teaspoons avocado oil or 1/2 of a ripe avocado mashed.

2 teaspoons milk

Mix the ingredients to a paste. If the mixture is a little dry, add a drop or two more of milk. Apply the mask to your

face. Avoid the eye area, in other words, make like a racoon. Leave on 15 minutes, rinse with warm water, and apply your regular moisturizer. Use this once a week.

Another one:

Youll need milk of magnesia, olive oil, and witch hazel

First, put the witch hazel in the freezer. Wash your face

and neck then put milk of magnesia on your face and neck and let it dry. After its dried, put on another layer milk of magnesia to dissolve the first layer. rinse off and dry. put the olive oil in the microwave for about 15 sec or as long as it takes to get warm. Test the olive oil on your hand before you put it on your face. Then put it on your face for 5 min. then use the witch hazel with a cotton ball to cut the olive oil. I use about 4 cotton balls with the witch hazel to cut the oil good. The cold witch hazel feels good after using the warm olive oil. Do this two or three times a week adn your skin will look and feel better and softer. Youre face will look greasy, so do this before you go to bed. The oil wont make you break out more.How can you do Salon like facial treatment at home?
use 1/2 an avacado, and 1/2 cup of honey. Then, you mix them together, and put them on your face. Keep it on for half an hour, and when you take it off, your face will be ';young';, moisturized, and beautiful!

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